beautiful film photography from Taylor McCutchan Photography

Should You Add Film Photography to Your Wedding or Engagement Shoot? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’ve been considering whether to add wedding film photography to your wedding or engagement session, you’re in the right place! There’s something special about shooting wedding photography on film that’s timeless, organic, and totally unique. It’s a beautiful way to capture your big day or special moments, but it’s not for everyone. Below, I’ll break down why I love using a film camera for weddings and why it might be the perfect fit for you!

Who Is Film Photography For?

Film engagement photos are perfect for couples who want something timeless and authentic. If you love the idea of organic imperfections, rich colors, and that nostalgic feel that film engagement brings, this could be a great fit.

It’s also for those who appreciate the artistry and thoughtfulness that goes into each shot. With film photographer weddings, every image is intentional, capturing the moment in its purest form. If you’re drawn to the natural beauty of light leaks, grain, and that “cool factor” that film has, you’ll love the results!

Who Is Film Photography Not For?

That said, wedding film photography isn’t for everyone. If you’re someone who prefers a lot of variety or wants hundreds of perfectly crisp, flawless photos, film might not meet your expectations. Since it’s a more selective process, there won’t be as many images compared to digital photography. Additionally, if you’re looking for a more polished or trendy editing style, film’s timeless aesthetic may feel a bit too vintage for your taste.

At the end of the day, it’s all about what you want your photos to feel like. Film photography for weddings creates a look that’s raw and nostalgic, perfect for couples who value moments over perfection.

Why I Shoot Film: The Magic Behind Timeless Photography

If you’ve ever wondered why I shoot wedding photography on film, it all comes down to the unique, timeless quality it brings to each image. There’s something special about film that digital just can’t replicate, and I’ve pulled together some of my favorite shots to showcase why I’m so passionate about it.

Film has its quirks, but that’s part of its charm—it’s intentional, fun, and creates those one-of-a-kind images that stand the test of time.

1. Timelessness of Film Photography: A Look That Never Ages

One of the biggest reasons I love shooting wedding film photography is the timeless quality it brings to every photo. The color of film, especially Portra 400—which I use most—hasn’t changed much since it was created in 1998. While digital editing trends come and go, making certain images look dated over time, film photographer wedding images remain consistent. Whether you choose color or black-and-white, film holds onto that classic, ageless vibe. This is especially important for weddings, where you want your photos to feel just as special decades from now.

2. The Film Look: Unmatched and Authentic

Let’s be honest, wedding photography on film just looks cool. It has that special something you can’t replicate with digital cameras—the grain, the light flare, the natural contrast. Each type of film camera for wedding shoots brings its own personality to the table.

For example, I love experimenting with plastic toy cameras that create wild light flares and dreamy double exposures. With film, you get a variety of looks that are completely unique, making every shot feel like a piece of art.

3. Embracing Imperfections

Digital cameras today are almost too perfect, which can sometimes make things a bit… boring? Wedding film photography is different. There’s always the chance for imperfections—whether it’s a light leak, a miswind, or an accidental double exposure. Instead of seeing these as mistakes, I embrace them.

There’s a beauty in those unexpected elements, and when I see a light leak in a shot, it’s like finding a hidden treasure. It’s a reminder that photography doesn’t have to be flawless to be meaningful.

4. The Intention Behind Each Shot

One of the most powerful aspects of shooting wedding photography on film is the intention it demands. Film is expensive and limited—usually giving you 16 to 37 shots per roll—so you really have to think about each frame. With digital, it’s easy to fire off hundreds of images without a second thought. But with film, every shot counts. I’m much more selective about what I choose to capture, paying extra attention to composition, light, and the moment. This doesn’t necessarily make me a better photographer, but it does make me put more of myself into each shot.

5. Rediscovering the Fun of Film Photography

Above all, shooting film engagement photos is fun. In a world where digital cameras feel like tools for work, film engagement brings back the excitement. There’s a sense of mystery and anticipation—you don’t know exactly how the image will turn out until you get the scans back from the lab. That moment when I get an email saying, “Your scans are ready!” is always the highlight of my week. It keeps me connected to why I fell in love with photography in the first place.

FAQ: What You Need to Know About Film Photography

1. What cameras and film do you use?  

I primarily shoot with a Contax G1 35mm camera, but I also use a FUJI GA645 medium format, a Reto Ultra Wide 35mm, and a Holga 120N. 

For film, my go-tos are Portra 400 and Tri-X 400. The color, contrast, and consistency of these films are unmatched, and they just work perfectly for the look I love.

2. Is it risky to shoot film?

A little bit! Film cameras are older—my Contax G1 came out in 1994 and was discontinued in 2005—so there’s always a chance for something to go wrong. But honestly, I think that’s part of the fun and charm of shooting film. Those little imperfections are what make film photography so unique.

3. Do you develop the film yourself?  

I don’t develop the film myself—I send it to a lab in Oregon called Photovision. After trying out several labs across the country, I’ve found Photovision to be the most reliable and consistent.

4. Does it take longer to get film photos back? 

Surprisingly, no! Since I’m working with fewer images compared to digital, I can usually get the film developed, scanned, and sent back to clients pretty quickly. Once I receive the scans, I make minimal adjustments before uploading them to your gallery.

Interested in a Film Session? Let’s Chat!

Film isn’t for everyone, but if you’re drawn to the timeless look, the unique imperfections, and the intentional approach, it could be perfect for your session. Whether you’re planning a wedding or an intimate portrait shoot, film can capture those moments in a way that feels authentic and true to you. Reach out if you’re interested in incorporating film into your next session—I’d love to chat about how we can create something beautiful together!

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Napa Valley Film Wedding Photographer | Taylor McCutchan Photography

I love capturing candid moments using a stylized journalist approach to my photography on both digital and film cameras. The sessions that I capture are not about making it into something that it’s not. It’s about living authentic moments with you and your loved ones. Based in Napa Valley, but will travel far and wide to tell your tale. Let’s experience these moments together. Inquire here.

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